10 Revolutionary Uses of Crypto Currency

Crypto currency has taken the financial world by storm, offering unparalleled opportunities for investment, transactions, and storage of value. Despite their volatile nature, they have proved to be a game-changer in various sectors of the economy. In this blog post, we will delve into the top 10 revolutionary uses of crypto currency that have transformed the world of finance.

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Crypto use for online payments

Crypto currency provide an alternative payment method to traditional payment systems, such as credit cards and bank transfers. With crypto, you can make fast, secure, and low-cost transactions across the globe without the need for intermediaries such as banks.
This has revolutionized online payments, particularly in industries that have struggled with traditional payment systems, such as online gambling, adult entertainment, and cannabis sales.

 Additionally, crypto payments provide anonymity, which is a significant advantage for users who value privacy. Many online merchants now accept crypto payments, and it’s only a matter of time before it becomes a mainstream payment option.

Crypto currency use for investment

Crypto currencies have become a popular investment option, attracting millions of investors globally. Investors can buy, sell, and trade crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, among others, and potentially earn high returns.

However, the high volatility of crypto currencies makes them a risky investment option. For example, in December 2017, the value of Bitcoin reached an all-time high of nearly $20,000 before crashing to around $3,000 a year later. This caused significant losses for investors who bought at the peak of the market.

The market has since recovered and is now trading at an average of $28,000 much higher than its peak in 2017. 

Cross-border Transactions with Crypto 

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not bound by geographical borders, making them ideal for cross-border transactions. With crypto currencies, you can send and receive money across borders quickly and inexpensively, without having to go through the hassle of traditional banking systems.

For instance, a person in the US can send money to someone in China using Bitcoin without any intermediaries or currency conversions. This reduces transaction fees and processing time significantly, making it an attractive option for businesses and individuals involved in international trade.

 Additionally, the use of crypto currencies in international trade can also eliminate the need for intermediaries and reduce transaction times, making cross-border transactions faster and more efficient. This could potentially lead to increased global economic growth and development. 

Uses of Crypto Currency For Remittances

Crypto currencies have the potential to revolutionize the remittance industry by reducing the cost of sending money to family and friends in other countries. Traditional remittance systems are expensive, with high fees and exchange rates, but with crypto currencies, you can transfer money quickly and cheaply. 

However, a detailed counterexample to the benefits of cross-border transactions with crypto currencies is the volatility of their value.

The value of crypto currencies, such as Bitcoin, can fluctuate greatly in a short period of time, making it difficult for businesses and individuals to accurately predict the value of their transactions. 

This can lead to unexpected losses or gains in value and can ultimately decrease trust in using crypto currencies for cross-border transactions. 

Additionally, regulatory issues and the potential for fraud or hacking also pose risks to using


Crypto currencies have the potential to enable micropayments, which are small transactions of less than a dollar. This can be useful for online purchases such as pay-per-view content, subscriptions, and other online services that require small payments.

For example, a person could use crypto currency to pay for a single article on a news website without having to subscribe for the entire year. This allows for more flexibility and control over one’s spending, but it also requires businesses and individuals to be comfortable using and accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment.

Smart Contracts

Crypto currencies are built on blockchain technology, which enables the creation of smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that automatically execute when certain conditions are met. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including property sales, insurance, and supply chain management.

 As a form of payment, cryptocurrencies offer the advantage of fast and secure transactions without the need for intermediaries such as banks. Additionally, smart contracts can ensure that payments are only made when certain conditions are met, providing an extra layer of security and transparency. 

For instance, a company could use a smart contract to pay its suppliers with cryptocurrency automatically once the delivery is confirmed. This eliminates the need for manual payment processing and reduces the risk of fraud or errors.

Decentralized Finance

 Crypto currencies have given rise to a new financial system called decentralized finance (DeFi), which is built on blockchain technology. DeFi allows for peer-to-peer lending, borrowing, and trading without the need for intermediaries, such as banks or financial institutions.

 One of the key benefits of DeFi is that it offers faster payment processing and reduces the risk of fraud or errors, as transactions are verified by a network of users rather than a single centralized authority. Additionally, DeFi has the potential to provide greater financial inclusion for individuals who may not have access to traditional banking services. 

For example, someone in a developing country with limited access to banks could use DeFi platforms to obtain loans or invest in assets that were previously inaccessible. This could lead to increased economic opportunities and financial empowerment for individuals who were previously excluded from traditional financial systems.

However, DeFi is not without its risks. In 2019, a DeFi platform called bZx was exploited, resulting in the loss of over $1 million worth of cryptocurrency. This highlighted the vulnerability of smart contracts and the need for thorough security audits before deploying them on a public blockchain.

Learn about the disadvantages of cryptocurrency here.

Charitable Donations

 Crypto currencies have become a popular way to make charitable donations, as they offer low transaction fees, fast transaction times, and anonymity. Many charities have started accepting crypto donations, providing donors with a secure and convenient way to contribute.

 However, it is important for charities to conduct thorough security audits before deploying them on a public blockchain to ensure the safety of donated funds and protect against potential cyber-attacks. Additionally, educating donors on the risks and benefits of using crypto currencies for charitable giving can help build trust and increase adoption. 

Identity Verification

 Cryptocurrencies can be used for identity verification, as they provide a secure and transparent way to verify a person’s identity. This can be useful in industries such as finance, healthcare, and voting, where identity verification is critical.

 Using cryptocurrencies for identity verification can also reduce the risk of fraud and improve data privacy, as personal information is not stored on a centralized server that could be vulnerable to hacking. As blockchain technology continues to advance, we may see more widespread adoption of cryptocurrency-based identity verification systems. 

For example, a healthcare provider could use a blockchain-based identity verification system to securely store and share patient medical records, ensuring that only authorized parties have access to sensitive information. This would improve patient privacy and reduce the risk of data breaches, while also streamlining the sharing of information between healthcare providers. Additionally, a financial institution could use cryptocurrency-based identity verification to prevent money laundering and other fraudulent activities, by ensuring that all transactions are authorized by verified individuals.

Crypto in Gaming and eSports

 Crypto currencies have found a new use case in gaming and eSports, where they are used for in-game transactions and rewards. It can be used to buy and sell virtual assets, participate in online games, and earn rewards.

The gaming industry has been one of the first to embrace the use of crypto currency. Gamers have long traded currency before it became acceptable in the mainstream. 


Crypto has come a long way since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009, and its potential uses are expanding rapidly. From online payments to identity verification, cryptocurrencies are transforming various sectors of the economy, offering unprecedented opportunities for investment, innovation, and financial inclusion. As the world becomes more digital, it is likely to become even more relevant in the years to come.

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