Amazon Web Service: The Best Guide

What is Amazon Web Service

Amazon Web Service (AWS) is a way to use the internet to host websites and apps. One of these ways is called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), which lets you rent out virtual computers to run your apps. 

Its EC2 has different options for setting up your virtual computer, like how many CPU cores and how much memory and storage it has. You can choose the best choice for your website or app and only pay for the resources you use. 

AWS also has other hosting sites and app services, like a storage service called Amazon S3 and a service for domain names called Amazon Route 53. You can use these services alone or together to make and host your website or app on AWS.

Types of hosting available on Amazon Web Service

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has different ways to host websites and apps. These include shared hosting, virtual private server (VPS) hosting, and dedicated hosting.

With Shared hosting, many websites or apps share the same server resources like CPU, memory, and storage. Therefore, it is usually the cheapest option and is suitable for small websites or apps that only need a few resources. However, shared hosting may not be as flexible or fast as other hosting options.

VPS hosting is different; each website or app has its virtual server separate from other virtual servers on the same physical server. VPS hosting has more resources and flexibility than shared hosting, but it is usually more expensive. It is suitable for websites or apps that need more resources and flexibility but less than dedicated hosting.

A website or app with Dedicated hosting has a physical server that is not shared. It is the most expensive option but has the most resources and is the fastest. Therefore, perfect for websites or apps that need a lot of resources or the fastest speed.

Features and benefits of hosting AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has unique features and benefits for hosting websites and apps. These include:

  • High-performance cloud infrastructure: AWS has a fast cloud system that can make websites and apps run better. AWS uses a network of data centers worldwide to give low-latency and high-throughput performance for its services.
  • Many services and tools: AWS has a lot of different services and tools for building, launching, and managing websites and apps, like virtual machines, storage, networking, and database services, making it easy to build and host many websites and apps on AWS.
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing: With AWS, you only pay for the resources you use. This can be a good deal for websites and apps with variable or unpredictable resource needs because you can change the resources you use.
  • Global presence: AWS has data centers and edge locations worldwide. It can make it easier to deliver content to users globally with low latency and high performance.
  • Security: AWS is known for being very secure and having certifications to prove it. AWS has a lot of security services and tools to help you keep your website or app and the data it uses safe.

The cost of AWS hosting

The cost of hosting on Amazon Web Services (AWS) can change depending on your needs and wants. However, because AWS uses pay-as-you-go pricing, you only pay for the resources you use.

The cost of hosting on AWS can also depend on other things, like:

  1. Type of service: The service you use will affect the cost of hosting on AWS. For example, using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) to run virtual servers will cost more than using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to store and serve static content.
  2. Configuration: How you set up your AWS resources, like the type and number of CPU cores, the amount of memory, and the amount of storage, can also affect the cost of hosting on AWS.
  3. Usage: The number of resources you use and how long you use them will also change the cost of hosting on AWS. For example, using more CPU cores or storing more data will cost more.
  4. Region: The area where you use AWS services can also affect the cost. AWS charges different rates for its services in different areas, and some regions may have extra fees or charges.

Do you need technical knowledge to use Amazon Web Service?

Using Amazon Web Services (AWS) requires technical knowledge and understanding of cloud computing concepts and technologies. They offer various services and tools for building, deploying, and managing applications and websites.

As well as several resources and tools to help users get started with and learn about its services, including documentation, tutorials, and training materials.

In addition, many hosting providers offer services and solutions based on AWS that can make it easier for users with less technical knowledge.

Getting started with AWS

To set up and host a website or app on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can follow these steps:

  1. Make an AWS account: To use AWS, you’ll need to make an account. You can do this by going to the AWS website and clicking the “Create a new AWS account” button. First, you’ll need to give some basic information and follow the prompts to make your account.
  2. Choose a hosting plan: AWS has different hosting options, like shared hosting, virtual private server (VPS) hosting, and dedicated hosting. You’ll need to choose the best hosting plan for you and your budget.
  3. Set up your resources: After you choose your hosting plan, you’ll need to set up the resources you’ll use to host your website or app. Depending on your need, this may include setting up virtual servers, storage, and other resources.
  4. Deploy your website or app: Once you set up your resources, you’ll need to put your website or app on AWS. This may involve uploading your files to AWS or using tools like AWS Elastic Beanstalk or AWS CodePipeline to automate the deployment process.
  5. Configure your domain name: If you want to use a custom domain name for your website or app, you’ll need to set up your domain name to point to your AWS resources. You can do this using Amazon Route 53, a domain name system (DNS) service provided by AWS.
  6. Test your website or app: Test your website to see if everything works and fix where necessary.

Do other hosting providers sell AWS?

Yes, some other hosting providers offer services that use Amazon Web Services (AWS). These hosting providers usually give extra assistance or support on top of the core AWS services, making it easier for customers to host their websites and apps on AWS.

For example, a hosting provider might offer a managed hosting service that includes extra help and assistance for managing and optimizing your AWS environment. This could consist of setting up and configuring your AWS resources, monitoring and managing your AWS environment, and giving technical support.

Other hosting providers might offer pre-configured packages that include AWS resources, like virtual servers and storage, along with extra services and support. These hosting packages can be a convenient option for customers who want to use AWS to host their websites and apps but don’t want to manage the AWS resources themselves.

How fast Is AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is known for its fast cloud infrastructure, which can make websites and apps run better. However, the speed of your website or app will also depend on other things, like how you set up your AWS resources, how much traffic your website or app gets, and how complex your website or app is.

AWS can generally offer fast performance for websites and apps, especially if you set up your AWS resources correctly and optimize your website or app for performance. Your website or app will depend on the hosting provider you choose and how they manage their infrastructure.

Are there companies that provide hosting similar to AWS?

Several other companies offer cloud computing platforms and services similar to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Some examples of these companies include:

  1. Microsoft Azure: Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that offers various services for building, deploying, and managing applications and websites. Azure provides a wide range of services, including virtual machines, storage, and networking.
  2. Google Cloud Platform: Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing platform that offers a range of services for building, deploying, and managing applications and websites. Google Cloud Platform provides a wide range of services, including virtual machines, storage, and networking.
  3. IBM Cloud: IBM Cloud is a cloud computing platform that offers various services for building, deploying, and managing applications and websites. Other services include virtual machines, storage, and networking.
  4. Oracle Cloud: Oracle Cloud is a cloud computing platform that offers various services for building, deploying, and managing applications and websites. They also provide a wide range of services, including virtual machines, storage, and networking.

Are there AWS services for WordPress and other CDN

Many companies provide Amazon Web Services (AWS) for content delivery networks (CDN) like WordPress. Some examples of these companies include:

  1. CloudFront: CloudFront is a CDN service provided by AWS that can be used to deliver content for WordPress websites. CloudFront uses a global network of edge locations to deliver content with low latency and high performance.
  2. Fastly: Fastly is a cloud-based CDN service that offers integration with AWS and can be used to deliver content for WordPress websites. Fastly has a global network of edge locations and provides a range of features and tools for optimizing content delivery.
  3. StackPath: StackPath is a CDN and security service provider that offers integration with AWS and can be used to deliver content for WordPress websites. StackPath has a global network of edge locations and provides a range of security and performance optimization features.
  4. Akamai: Akamai is a well-known CDN service provider that offers integration with AWS and can be used to deliver content for WordPress websites. Akamai has a global network of edge locations and offers a range of features and tools for optimizing content delivery and security.

Learn how to set up your website with How To Start A Blog With WordPress And BlueHost“>Bluehost and WordPress here.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform that offers various services for building and hosting websites and apps.

One of these is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which allows users to rent virtual servers to run their own apps. In addition, AWS offers other services, such as Amazon S3 (storage) and Amazon Route 53 (domain name system).

AWS has different hosting options like shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting. Also, a fast cloud infrastructure, various services and tools, a pay-as-you-go pricing model, a global presence, and strong security.

The cost of hosting on AWS depends on the resources used and can be pay-as-you-go. It is a popular choice for hosting websites and apps and offers various options to meet different needs.

If you planning to set up a WordPress blog, learn how to with Bluehost.