Unlock the Secrets to Finding the Best Web Host

Web hosting provider

Important considerations when choosing a hosting provider for your online business Hosting is an essential part of any online business. It is the foundation of your website and the backbone of your online presence. Without hosting, your website would not exist. Hosting provides the space and resources necessary to store and serve your website’s content … Read more

Unlock Potential: Tools for Online Business

Tools to Start a online business

When starting an online business, knowing what tools you’ll need to get up and running can take time and effort. But before anything, you must find the right niche.  Consider your interests, skills, and experience to determine what type of business would be the most successful for you. After deciding on your niche, start putting … Read more

Proven ways to make money online 

Making money online

How to make money online is one of the most searched topics, especially since 2020. Many people lost their primary source of income because of restrictions caused by the pandemic. Also, it made them feel vulnerable, depending on their employers for survival.  In 2019 I started learning how to make money online; being stuck at … Read more

Blog Hack Recovery: Tips and Lessons

Hacked blog

Blog Hacked: My Journey to Recovery and How You Can Avoid the Same Fate Almost three years ago, I started a blog. Unfortunately, I knew very little about building websites or how they operated. I thought you needed special skills and lots of money. Thanks to Google and Youtube, I learned it was super easy … Read more

How To Start A Blog With WordPress And BlueHost

Start a blog with WordPress and Bluehost

How to start a blog with WordPress and Bluehost, two popular website creation tools on the market. WordPress is the most used content management system on the internet; 43 percent of websites used it in 2022, according to statistics from W3tech. Second is Shopify with 4 percent, Wix with 2.5 percent, Squarespace with 2 percent, and … Read more