Understanding Cryptocurrency: A Beginner’s Guide

Learning about Crypto

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency secured through cryptography, making it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Each unit is unique, just like every physical money bill has a unique serial number.Cryptocurrency does not have any institutional or governmental backing, unlike physical money. Instead, it runs independently through a decentralized system, which means that … Read more

Earn money by watching YouTube videos

Earn money watching you tube videos

Are you ready to turn your YouTube addiction into a profitable side hustle? Believe it or not, you can get paid to watch YouTube videos from anywhere in the world, and the best part is that it’s completely free! In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to start earning money by watching videos … Read more

Get All Your Domain Name Questions Answered

Domain name

Need help with domain names and wonder how they work? We can help. Our detailed guide tells you everything you need to know about domain names, from how to buy URLs to how to protect your online business. What is a domain name? A domain name is a unique address for internet-based services such as … Read more

Everything You Need to Know About Domain Names

domain names

What are domain names? Domain names are unique addresses on the internet that tell you where to find a website. It is the equivalent of your home address.  If you gave people the coordinates for your home, it would be harder to find than if you used street names, cities, states, and countries.   The same with … Read more

Amazon Web Service: The Best Guide

Amazon Web Service

What is Amazon Web Service Amazon Web Service (AWS) is a way to use the internet to host websites and apps. One of these ways is called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), which lets you rent out virtual computers to run your apps.  Its EC2 has different options for setting up your virtual computer, … Read more

Free Blogging Platforms: The Best Options

Free Blog

Starting a blog can be fun and rewarding because it allows you to share your thoughts, experiences, and interests with a broad audience. Several options are available if you want to start a blog for free. Here’s a closer look at some top platforms where you can create a blog for free. WordPress.com WordPress.com is … Read more

Key Measures To Secure Your Online Business

Secure your online business

Prioritizing Online Security for Your Business, Essential Steps and Best Practices Online businesses are essential for shopping from home, but they need strong security to protect them from hackers. These threats can cause problems for businesses and customers, but good protection can help avoid these issues and build trust. You can use strong passwords, secure … Read more

Proven ways to make money online 

Making money online

How to make money online is one of the most searched topics, especially since 2020. Many people lost their primary source of income because of restrictions caused by the pandemic. Also, it made them feel vulnerable, depending on their employers for survival.  In 2019 I started learning how to make money online; being stuck at … Read more

Blog Hack Recovery: Tips and Lessons

Hacked blog

Blog Hacked: My Journey to Recovery and How You Can Avoid the Same Fate Almost three years ago, I started a blog. Unfortunately, I knew very little about building websites or how they operated. I thought you needed special skills and lots of money. Thanks to Google and Youtube, I learned it was super easy … Read more

How To Start A Blog With WordPress And BlueHost

Start a blog with WordPress and Bluehost

How to start a blog with WordPress and Bluehost, two popular website creation tools on the market. WordPress is the most used content management system on the internet; 43 percent of websites used it in 2022, according to statistics from W3tech. Second is Shopify with 4 percent, Wix with 2.5 percent, Squarespace with 2 percent, and … Read more